Saturday, October 4, 2008


In the words of Karen Walker, "What's all this, what's goin' on, what's with this?

Mission Statement:

Utterly useless, but hopefully humorous thoughts that make you go "uuhh...what?"

Like when someone says something stupid and you feel like you should respond, so you start out by saying the ever-eloquent "uuhh..." but then your brain's inability to process what was just said because it is so insignificant or irrelevant causes you to continue with "...what?" That's me... the someone, not the stuttering responder. That's you.

Why are you writing this?

  • I think a lot of thoughts. Few important. My brain seems to be a big mixer--not a polished pink KitchenAid mixer you buy for $377.69 to look pretty on your counter, but a clunky hand-me-down mixer with only one spinning doughhook that you got free from your grandma because she liked her old one that broke better and your always-thinking-ahead cousin found one on ebay that is EXACTLY like her old one made in the 50's and you use it anyway because you are too cheap to buy one yourself--a mixer filled with thoughts about life, work, friends, family, God, goodness, but more often cluttered with curiosity, creativity, and random thoughts and observations. What is a 21st century girl to do with all these thoughts? Spew them onto a blog, of course. Here you go, freshly baked and garnished with a sprig of sarcasm and drizzle of self-deprecation.
Why not write about more important things?

  • There are plenty of good serious blogs out there that address good serious topics. In 2006, it was figured that one new blog was born every half second, so I'm pretty sure you'll be able to find what you're looking for. Something for everyone and some things for no one, but never nothing for someone.
  • I have an overflow of thoughts that clutter my brain and if I empty them here, there is more room for serious thoughts and endeavors, like baking cookies and walking my beagle.
  • The truth is, I do have a serious blog called smalltownsaver that you are welcome to check out, but don't let my postings here discount my writing there. I am, after all, capable of both serious and stupid at the same time. I know, talent like this is hard to find.

DTR Talk

  • What? Already? We were just getting to know each other and you want to "Define the Relationship"? Okay, well, frankly it is up to you (it's you, not me). You can read if you want, comment if you dare, pass along the URL, or pass out of boredom. I'll be here, emptying my mixing bowl whenever enough random ingredients fill it up to the point of overflowing.

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