Saturday, April 18, 2009

16 Weeks

I am now 16 weeks and really thinking the whole "you'll only be sick the first trimester" is a myth. Some days are okay, but some result in total exhaustion and a few unpleasant episodes. It is also really hard to think of something I feel like eating, but once I find what it is, I have no problem finishing it off!  It is becoming a little harder to find shirts that look decent, but haven't dipped into the maternity clothes yet.

The "nesting" phase has definitely started--I'll post my awesome garage sale finds in another post.  It's so hard to not buy all the adorable clothes and shoes I've seen, so it's probably a good thing we don't know if it's a boy or girl--otherwise the clothes buying could get out of control!

This week was also eventful in that I turned 27 years old (the peanut butter cake with fluffy chocolate frosting I brought to work was gone by 9am) and celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary!  Somehow I always pictured my 5th anniversary in Hawaii or something, but I guess the Ground Round in Worthington (highly recommend the Chicken Poblano soup) and a trip to Shopko for storage bins was as romantic as we can muster these days!

1 comment:

  1. Not bad for an anniversary celebration. Just remember--our 5th anniversary consisted of door-knocking Janesville, dinner out for the first time in like 6 months and an overnight hotel stay in Cedar Falls. Whoo-hoo!
