Saturday, June 13, 2009

Long Time No Write. Big Time Belly Grow.

So, we're cruisin' through this pregnancy thing at 24.5 weeks now and everything seems to be progressing well. Tests have all been negative. That's a good thing, in case you are Michael Scott and spent your birthday depressed because Kevin got a "negative" skin cancer test. (a reference to "the office" for all you non-Dunder Mifflinites). Negative means no anemia, no gestational diabetes, no problems with the baby so far! Morning sickness lingers but has decreased in frequency and severity. It has been mostly replaced by a lovely case of sciatica, but I'm not going to dwell on that because it's on the same level as complaining about denture paste and the grandkids who never come visit at "the home".

Speaking of's a funny (and true) story my FIL told me this weekend. One of the members of his congregation was in the hospital waiting room, not feeling so well, but was overhearing another patient discuss her upcoming colonoscopy with the doctor. After having several questions answered about how to prepare for the procedure, the lady asked "What about my dentures?" The doc replied, "Lady, if I hit your dentures, I've gone too far." haha!

In other news, we were so excited to get to meet my nephew, Lincoln, last weekend. He is a sweetie and looks just like his sister, something that's cute at 3 weeks, maybe he'll want to grow out of by 16. My niece is just as fiesty as ever and has several funny things to say. One of them being that when we asked her how she liked her dinner, she declared "It's a taste sensation!" We had a battle of the wills over dressing in clothes instead of pajamas and I'm going to say I won 1/3 battles, but I'd like to think I won the war for that day. This is the first time she's actually been sad to see me go and it made me tear up hearing that she kept asking when Aunt Court-e-ney was coming back. Good thing my sister is moving closer...even if it's only 15 minutes.

June is a crazy month with DH gone to grad school during the week. I've been staying in Hull during the week which allows my sister and me to walk our dogs together at night (Nika and cousin Milo are rambunctiously compatible) and me to sleep an extra 30 minutes in the morning. Well worth packing a suitcase for. This past weekend we made a whirlwind trip up to Minnesota for a cousin's graduation, aunt's 50th birthday, and a double wedding shower for a cousin and future sister-in-law. Eight hours of drive time for 19 hours of family stuff. It's good to be home.

So, our Sunday plan of relaxing will hopefully be accomplished, once we finish Praise Team practice at 7:30, Pancake breakfast at 8:45, take offering at 9:00 service, run PowerPoint at 11, Concert in the park at 4, and Small Group at 6. Glad we don't have much going on today. I am not often jealous of my dog, what with her lack of opposable thumbs and chocolate-free diet, but I have to say the permanent position of being curled up on the coach is looking pretty tempting for the rest of the day.

1 comment:

  1. I found a site/blog that posts coupons, promotions, free samples, etc. to save money for baby! also, if you buy anything @ motherhood they give you a free gift and coupons and will mail more samples about a month before your due date. Hope this helps in saving for baby :)
