Tuesday, July 28, 2009

It Only Took 4 Years...

No, not to announce we were having a baby (that took 5).

We have lived here almost 4 years and have had the material for the curtains nearly as long. About 2 years ago we put up the curtain rod and I was satisfied with that progress for a while. Finally when we bought curtains for the nursery, DH decided it was time to get these UP. The problem/excuse had always been that I couldn't get the tension on my (inherited) sewing machine right and the fabric was so delicate I was sure I'd screw it up. (We bought one long curtain panel that needed to be cut in half and hemmed). Well, Grandma Boote came to the rescue and got the tricky things hemmed perfectly. I'm thinking about adding some tie-backs/hooks to each side, but otherwise I couldn't be happier with this new addition. Thanks, Grandma! Our backyard neighbors thank you too!
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