Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Bed Skirt-because shorts are a little too informal

With the extra fabric cut from the bottom of the curtains and a rookie attempt with a borrowed staple gun (plus some duct tape when the staples ran out and I couldn't figure out how to reload), I created a bed skirt for the crib. The main purpose of it is to hide the area UNDER the crib where I plan to store things like the Pack 'N Play and play mat.

To anyone who knows me, you will not be surprised that this little project did not come without injuries. One would think the staple gun would pose the biggest threat, but no, I accomplished the nice little blood blister between my thumb and index finger with nothing more than lightning-quick reflexes and a tape measure.

Be impressed.

1 comment:

  1. VERY, VERY CUTE Baby Room!! Love the colors and the decor! Job well done! Can't wait for the little one to arrive...hmmmm...I call girl???
