Sunday, August 30, 2009

It's All Coming Back to Me Now

I've been unexcusably absent from blogging for a while, but here's an excuse for that: extremely busy week, late nights, and aggravated carpal tunnel. So, I'll try to post a few things from our last week or so of life for those of who either weren't at these events or don't have facebook :)

Last Friday night, we had wedding rehearsal for DH's brother's wedding. It was fun, yet efficient (this is the style of DH's dad, who was officiating the ceremony and running rehearsal). This is why V and I get along so well. Our motto is usually "Have fun, but get it done!"
It brought back a lot of memories since we got married in the same church 5 years and 4 months earlier!
After rehearsal, we had a great buffet at the Pizza Ranch. PR pizza has not been setting well with me during my pregnancy, but there was plenty of salad, cheese sticks, chicken, potatoes, and blueberry dessert pizza to make up for my inability to process pepperoni products. Unfortunately, on the walk back to the house, DH's grandma fell on the road and broke her wrist in 2 places. A trip to the emergency room was not what the mother-of-the-groom had in mind the night before the wedding, but we are all thankful the injuries were not worse. Grandma M ended up getting it splinted and then had surgery when she got back to MN.

On a less serious note, but still a minor problem, we figured out Friday night that the tux rental place had switched jackets, pants, and shoes between DH and his dad (who is several inches shorter). His dad had already gotten everything hemmed to fit him but in the end, we ended up finding a combination that worked with some last-minute hem-letting by Aunt Connie.

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