Sunday, August 30, 2009

Wedding Day for A&K

Saturday was the big day-the day of A&K's wedding! In the morning, I headed to Indulgence salon in Orange City to get my hair done with the bride, matron of honor, and personal attendant. They did a great job on everyone's hair and I was impressed with the decor of the salon. Then, we all got ready in the nursery of the church. Everyone was pretty calm and it was a fun morning. We took pictures for a few hours and DH and I snuck outside to take a few pictures ourselves since it was such a gorgeous day. Here we are all dressed up!

Our photographer also insisted on getting a "side-view" shot since I'll always wonder just how pregnant I looked in a bridesmaid dress! (Sidenote: I will always be grateful to K for being so understanding and for letting me pick out my own dress! I was about 34.5 weeks pregnant in this pic.)

The wedding was beautiful and there were many family and friends there to share the day. We rode from Hull to Hospers in a limo and I got a shot of the happy couple:

The reception had great food topped off with cheesecake and then we sent them on their way.
It was a great day and we wish them only the best!

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