Friday, August 14, 2009

Treasure Hunt

In my never-ending quest for a bargain, I went to the local "Treasure Chest" with my sister today after seeing they were having a "Fill a bag for $3" sale. Megan picked up a a few pairs of shoes and clothes for Lincoln and I thought the maternity tank was worth $3 alone, so after that, our mentality was that anything extra we could fit in the bag was free. So, into the bag went 3 onesies, 2 excercise tapes, 6 books, and 3 CDs. Even with the cheap second hand prices, it was still $19.25 of merchandise for just $3. Can't beat that for a bargain!
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  1. Just gotta love those bag sales!

  2. Guess what? When I stopped at the Drug Store on Saturday afternoon I noticed the sign in the window said it was now a $1 bag sale. You could have saved $2 more! But I bet the Nick Carter book would have been gone. ;o)
