Thursday, October 15, 2009

If You Give a Moose a Muffin

We received a delightful package in the mail the other day from family we visited last summer in Anchorage. It contained the books If You Give a Moose a Muffin and If You Give a Cat a Cupcake along with some furry friends to match. I think our little cupcake fits right in!

Ryan had his two week appointment today and it confirmed we have a healthy little boy! He has gained over a pound since birth--now weighing in at 9 lbs. 5 oz. He has been quite the sleepy bug today so I think it might be another long night. He seems to want to eat about every 3 hours during the day...and 1-1.5 hours at night. We're dealing with a little day/night confusion, but we'll get through it! Hard to be mad at the little guy when he looks like this:

1 comment:

  1. You have the most adorable pictures! I got the Cat/Cupcake and Mouse/Movies books along with the stuffed mouse for Emily for her birthday. They're from Kohl's if you want the rest of the set.
