Monday, October 26, 2009

Walk With Me

Quiz Time: Guess which one of these two was quietly cooperative on our walk today and which one jumped and snuffled through all the leaves in the gutter just for the pure joy of hearing the crunch?
Also, for those of you who are observant enough to spot "what's wrong with this picture?"...yes, I have gone to the dark side. After having no more than a few sips of dark pop since my freshman year of High School, I have indeed found the simple joy that is an occasional ice cold Diet Coke. Show me a mother who gets through the first month of a baby's schedule without a little caffeine assistance now and then and I'll show you a certifiably insane person.


  1. Both are very cute! Hope the walk was fun!

  2. Amen, sister! I noticed the Diet Coke can in the pop holder of the stroller before I even read the post. I've consumed more caffeine in the last 5 months than I have in the last couple years. Sometimes you just do what you gotta do (and treat yourself, too.). ;o)

  3. Uh oh, I may be certifiably insane! I am a big soda drinker, but have limited myself to caffeine free Coke and decaf coffee since I was pregnant with Genevieve. Now I feel really gross if I have any caffeine but I agree that every mom needs a pick me up in one way or another!

