Saturday, November 14, 2009

Friday Fareway...again

Adam had a fun night with the Middle Schoolers-- a carnival and dance, and I SOOOOO wanted to go and help chaperone 200 5th-8th graders, but alas, Fareway called and said they hadn't seen me in 6 days, and well, the half gallon of milk in the fridge prompted me to heed their call. Plus, buckets of Blue Bunny ice cream were on sale for $4.88 and that is worth a 25-minute drive alone. The one-day sale on Braeburn Apples for $0.49 was just a bonus. My only complaint is that there was nary a can of Rotel to be found which is a crucial ingredient in my staple Chicken Taco Stew. If you want a short explanation on the virtues of Rotel, see this post from Rocks in my Dryer.  It was not with the diced tomatoes in the canned vegetable section, it was not with the taco sauce/shells/green chiles in the American-Mexican section and it was not with the jars of jalapenos and bottles of Jarritos in the Authentic-Mexican section. How do you tell the difference between the American- and Authentic-Mexican sections? There is no Old El Paso or Chi-Chi's brand in the Authentic area. I know exactly where it is in Sheldon, but the larger format in Wo-town has apparently relocated the Rotel, along with the peanut butter (no longer right after the mayonnaise) and cereal (yes, I am back to buying cereal after being down to 5 boxes, none of which Adam or I will eat plain).

Aunt Abbie and Uncle Wade were easily persuaded to come for the evening. I think they were coming just for my 5-star supper of taverns and french fries, but maybe Ryan had something to do with it too. It was fun visiting with them and he was awake the whole time I was gone to Wo-town, so they got some quality time playing with him while I spent some quality time evaluating the Christmas candy at Walgreens and checking out with a new cashier at Fareway. At least I hope she was new since the bag boy had to prompt her on what some of the produce I was buying was called. I'll give her the fact that "Size B Potatoes" is not inherently obvious, but I thought he shouldn't have had to explain that one mysterious bag of vegetables was called "green beans".

Ryan fell asleep on my shoulder as soon as I picked him up when I got home. But of course, this was the "fake" going to bed at 10:00 thing. A few minutes after they left, he was up and at 'em again until midnight. I seriously think his "nighttime" sleeping is from 11 or 12 until 11 or 12 the next day (He's been sleeping all morning this morning except for a few wakeups to eat). I so wish we could shift that to 8 to 8.  Wait, both The Office and Glee start at 8, so make that 7-7 or 9-9. I've been terrible at trying to establish a routine for him since we seem to have exceptional nights about every other night. And by exceptional I mean nights where Biggest Loser, So You Think You Can Dance, Glee, and The Office were on at times that interfered with when we should have given him a bath. Or, he got dirty enough during the day to need a bath earlier than scheduled. Or, he was already sleeping at 8 and slept until 10, then woke up and was awake for another hour and a half. Hard kid to figure out, but I am just trying to enjoy the time I have with him, so matter what time of day it is!

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