Sunday, November 15, 2009

Saturday Night Bath Time

Ryan has been enjoying his tub baths more-he doesn't cry and is pretty compliant as we get him all washed up. He likes being wrapped up in his cozy towel afterward and we finally got smart and bring him all the way back to his changing table to redress him instead of trying to do it on the bathroom floor. I know...we are slow. I wish his hair would stay curly like this, but if we don't comb it out straight while it's wet, it just gets kinky and frazzled. I think he got that from me. We've been giving him baths and putting him in his crib earlier, but so far this has resulted in him getting "up" at 10, 12, 3:30, and 6:30. So, it's just a toss-up if I want "get up" or "stay up". And the mornings are also a toss-up if it is time to be up, or time to go back to bed. This morning, it was time to go back to bed since Adam was willing to play with him this morning, tiring him out just in time for church. I also think he is going through a growth spurt as he is hungrier more often. We just started putting him in 3 month clothes and I am discovering that they are none too big. Unfortunately, I think he'll be out of the 3 month size before we know it. What a big boy we have!
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