Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Turkey Time and other people who cook for me

Last night we made a trip to Hometown for my parents' church's annual Turkey Supper. This is a huge event and excellent food! I love a good Thanksgiving dinner but cannot handle cooking my own turkey so we only get to eat it twice a year--Thanksgiving Day, and the Turkey Supper held on election night.  Ryan did great and entertained the long line of people waiting to pick up their food. It was good to see some old friends and eat way too much! We also made a stop at Grandpa and Grandma Boone's afterwards and they hated seeing their grandson :).

Tonight we are heading out to the Jr. High youth group's spaghetti supper before the Congregational Meeting. It's always nice when supper is taken care of! Ryan and I are skipping the meeting since I already voted absentee and I'm not sure we can keep him entertained through all the exciting budget reports, hymn singing and vote counting. Plus the last two years I'm pretty sure I was one of about 3 people under 45 who attended, the rest being deacons.  I think we'll spaghetti it up and then head home for some...oh that's right glee is NOT ON BECAUSE OF THE DUMB WORLD SERIES! I guess I'll just have to settle for last week's Office episode online.

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