Saturday, December 5, 2009

Gingerbread Houses 2009

Last year I came up with the idea of having the company I work for sponsor a community-wide Gingerbread House contest. What did I get myself into?!? Even though I was technically still on maternity leave when Winterfest rolled around this year, I still helped organize and setup the contest. After making 3 gingerbread houses from scratch last year, I opted out of making one myself this year. A baby will do that to you.

We did have a nice turnout, raised some money for the public library, and got some great entries, which you can view here:

You can read about the making of the winner of the Family division here. You can read about the runner-up in the Kid's division here. If you want a recipe for gingerbread and icing "cement", see page two of the entry form found here. If you're in the Hull area, make plans to enter and attend the contest next year!

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