Thursday, December 10, 2009

Happy Birthday, Grandpa!

Ryan had a doctor's appointment on Thursday and after a very fussy wait (curses to snowgear and not being able to find a pacifier), he got a full 2 month check that said he is doing great! He weighed 14 lbs. 3 oz. (90th percentile!) and measured 23".  He also got his vaccinations and although he cried loud when they went in his chubby little thigh, he calmed down pretty quickly and slept all afternoon and evening.

On Thursday night, we trekked to Orange City to eat at the new Pizza Ranch. It is slightly disconcerting since it looks just like Sheldon's in the inside and it's hard to remember what town you are in. Until you look around and see everyone praying before their meal (and peeking to make sure everyone else saw them praying before their meal). Then you know you are in Orange City.

I used to live there, so I can make fun.

Anyway, we thoroughly enjoyed stuffing ourselves with pizza, cheese sticks, chicken, potatoes, salad, and blueberry dessert pizza (my fav). I tried a bite of the new soft-serve ice cream and think it tastes like frozen non-dairy Cool Whip. But maybe I was just bitter they don't have chocolate.  After supper, we went to Adam's bro's apartment so his dad could open his presents, his mom could take pictures, Ryan could get out of his car seat (he was totally out the whole time we ate so we never "unpacked him"), and the guys could play Wii.

Happy Birthday, Grandpa!

The horizontal stripes are a better pick for Uncle Andy's fine frame than Ryan's rolls:

Daddy teaching Ryan how to rest his hand on his belly:

You'd have thought he just ate Pizza Ranch buffet!

1 comment:

  1. FUNNY!!! Kate said the same thing about the ice cream! (they just put one in Rock Rapids too).
