Monday, December 28, 2009

It's, like, Christmas Every Day!

On Tuesday Adam and Ryan spent the day with his family while Kim and I worked, then we all got together at night for more food (who would have guessed), presents, and a rousing game of Chinese Checkers.  Ryan was so sleepy from his big day that we only had a tiny window of wakefulness in which to snap a few photos. Thanks to neighbor Nancy, we even got a picture of the whole family together.

We again had a really fun night and again decided to spend the night so we wouldn't have to go home late and then turn right back around to come to work in the morning. We are thankful for parents with big houses, extra rooms, and cribs just for grandkids!  It turned out to be a good (and necessary thing) to have two vehicles in town because I don't think we could have fit all the gifts (plus the kid and the dog) in one. Our Christmas parties are now officially over and it's time to ride out the rest of the week until New Year's!

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