Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Ryan took his first shopping trip with me to Wo-town this week where I tried on over 30 shirts just to try to find something I can wear when I return to work next week (eek!). He was a trooper and survived the 4-hour excursion where we only visited Shopko (twice) and Walmart. If you don't count the Burger King Drive-Thru where I went all-out spending $2.03 on a spicky chicken sandwich and chocolate frozen yogurt cone. It was 3:45 and I hadn't eaten lunch yet. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.

Back to of the pickups of the day was a 13-pc. picture frame set from Walmart for $15 (causing the second trip to Shopko where I returned 2 frames for $23). I wanted the frames for a plate-holder thing in our living room that needs 4 matching black frames, plus frames for the pictures I ordered for both of our desks at work. I filled all the frames and had four 3.5"x5" left. Does anyone in the world print 3.5"x5" photos anymore? When I used to work at the drug store, people would bring in their film and check either the "3x5" or "4x6" box and then we would hold it in a special drawer to send in on Wednesdays so they could get free double prints. How times have changed. Now I upload my hundreds of pictures to winkflash and then click to order the 4x6's for 6-cents each. If people want doubles, I add them as a friend and they can PRINT THEIR OWN, folks! 

Okay, off subject again. I have to stop writing these posts at 11:30 because I tend to vomit words more profusely the closer it gets to midnight. Back to the frames. I had a little craft project in mind and gathered the materials which were all leftover from other projects:

I removed the backs from the frames and taped the glass in using masking tapes on the edges. I found a font I liked and printed R-Y-A-N on the computer, centered in 3.5"x5" boxes. Then, I placed each letter  behind the glass and used it as a template to paint the letter directly the glass. I like how they turned out!

It matches the 4-season wooden cutouts I made that hang on the opposite wall.

I also hung the "Angel" frame so that corner of the nursery is now complete:


  1. Thats funny about the 3.5 x 5 inch frames...I bought the same pack @ walmart and I needed MORE of that size so I bought 2 13-pack frames just for the 3.5x5's! Haha. I made a photo wall. I have been meaning to blog about it but have been a little busy!

  2. No-they were totally $15 in Worthington! Rip-off! Can't wait to see your photo wall!

  3. Your letter frames are awesome! Ironically enough, I just ordered some 3.5x5 prints of Lincoln with grandparents from Winkflash yesterday b/c that's the size that fits in the "Who Loves Baby?" photo book. I'm going to make one for Lincoln since the only thing he likes to do with books right now is chew on them and Emily is quite possessive about "her" picture book.

    I haven't ordered just prints from Winkflash in like 2 years and it took me all day to decide what to get for a 7-opening collage frame I bought 2 months ago. I ordered extras and might actually dig through my box of picture frames downstairs and set some more out. Of course, after reading your post I realized I forgot to order 4 pictures for the fabric-covered frames to hang above Lincoln's crib. I was waiting to do it when I ordered other stuff. I suppose can fork over the extra $.99 in shipping for a separate order. Especially since I splurged on a whole $4.37 yesterday. ;o)

  4. Megan--I know-sometimes I have to keep the Winkflash prices in perspective. Like I almost cried when I realized the special changed from the 4-cent 4x6 to the Holiday cards. Until I realized that if I had to pay 6-cents instead of 4 it would only cost me an extra 50 cents on 25 pics. But luckily I remembered the code for the 4cent price and it still worked. 50 cents SAVED!
