Friday, December 18, 2009

Shake, Rattle, and ...well, we're not up to the Roll yet

On Thursday, I helped Ryan learn how to grip a rattle. Wow, I seriously just typed wrattle. Must. Get. Sleep. He needs help getting his fingers wrapped around, but then he shakes it in all directions and follows it with his eyes. I don't think he in any way grasps the concept that his hand is controlling the movement and sometimes it looks like he is trying to shake it off and can't figure out how to "let go". Ryan can shake the rattle in both his right and left hand, but he seems to prefer his right. Maybe he won't inherit both grandmas' left handedness. (That IS a real word, Word says so.)

I had a really good day with him Thursday and I missed him a lot today...all I wanted to do was get home and get a big baby hug! Unfortunately I hadn't been grocery shopping besides milk in about 3 weeks and had to spend a significant amount of time at Fareway after work along with a quick Pamida run for bibs for our starting-to-drool boy. Leaving home at 7 and getting home at 7 is not very much fun! Especially when you have groceries to put away, supper to make and eat. I let Ryan have an extra long bath so he could frog-kick to his heart's content and then we had a little bonding time before bed. He was really tired and went down without a fuss at 9:00. He's slept great the last two nights (10 hours--he had been giving me about 8 but 10 is a bonus!!) and I could really use another one since today drained me. But I know I am super-lucky to have a good sleeper at 2.5 months, so I won't complain as long as I get to sleep until 6am...or 8.


  1. We have that same rattle! Wish I could view the video - it says its private

  2. Sorry! I am new to this video thing. I figured out how to change the setting so you can view it now!
