Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Snowstorm without a Baking Spree? Am I adopted?

Adam came home early on Tuesday since school let out due to the snowstorm. It sure howled and blew a lot that night and I was glad I was not stuck at work! (I am not working Tuesday and Thursdays for a few weeks.)  Wednesday morning revealed a large drift in our driveway and an even larger drift caused by the snowplow that shoved everything on the circle into our driveway (the blade points to the right and we are one of only 2 houses on the "outside" of the circle.)  Adam scooped for a while, hurt his back :( and was pretty okay with the fact that school was called off. We spent the morning watching "New in Town", the first movie we got on our Netflix membership which my parents gave us for Christmas last year. I know, 11 months later we finally got around to redeeming our gift!  "New in Town" is based in New Ulm, MN which we drive through a few times a year on the way to visit Adam's mom's side of the family. Since some of our relatives read this blog, I will refrain from elaborating, but we were laughing hard at the authenticity of the Minnesota accent, decor, bird sweatshirts, and cooking. Stereotypical, sure, but funny all the same!

I was supposed to work on Wednesday, so after checking the roads we decided to make a trip to Hometown so I could work half a day. I felt better in the truck (and Adam driving) with the strong winds, but the roads were actually pretty clear by noon. I finally got my desk and email inbox cleaned off and out and feel more ready to get back into the full swing of things. We rushed right home so Adam could clear the other half of the driveway, but to our display, the snowblower he picked up (which started fine before he loaded it up) would not start once he got it home! Our very nice neighbor must have seen him struggle with it because after Adam had given up (and came in to rest a very sore back), our neighbor came over with his snowblower and cleared the rest for us. Such a blessing!

The funny thing in reading other people's facebook status's (is this the appropriate use of an apostrophe, grammer-nazis? know who you are) and blog posts, I think I am the only one who did not go on a major baking spree during the snowstorm. Granted I already had an oatmeal chocolate chip cake on the counter and was down to 1 egg, but it just seems weird that I, the most likely candidate to totally overindulge in baked goods, did not make more than a round of Triple Berry Pancakes (from the Triple Berry Muffin Mix pouch). Out of all possible things to make, why did I choose that? Nothing cheers Adam up more than Triple Berry Pancakes.

And it only needed 1 egg.

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