Saturday, December 26, 2009

'Tis Better to Give than Receive

The old adage sure rang true this year as I looked forward to watching other people open their gifts more than I anticipated what I would be receiving. I was very excited to get together with my dad's extended family on Sunday after we had to postpone our annual Christmas Eve get-together. I couldn't wait to give my Grandma the present all the grandchildren contributed to. Each grandchild (15) and great-grandchild (6) submitted a few photos and a favorite memory shared with Grandma B. Then I made them into a book and printed it from winkflash so should could see and read something from everyone, even if they couldn't be there for Christmas. Since I don't want to post the full names of all my cousins without their permission, I'll just post the pages I submitted along with the poem I wrote for the back, combining all the memories people had submitted. If you want to see the whole book, email me and I'll send you the link. Grandma really liked the gift and I was so happy we could find something to show how thankful we are for her generosity to us!

1 comment:

Boote Ranch said...

The book looks great! Thanks also for posting the pictures from the Boote Christmas! It's so fun to keep up with all of you! When you have time, we would all love to see the complete book...would you email me the link - Thanks Courtney!! Ryan is growing up so fast!!