Monday, February 1, 2010

Four Months Old

I can hardly believe Ryan is 4 months old! He is still growing and changing every day. He can be quite vocal at times, but also has quiet days where he'll smile, but not talk much. He enjoys going to basketball games where he tries to follow all the action going on and dances to the pep band music. There are usually plenty of friends who hold and talk to Ryan and he rewards them with a big ol' grin toothless grin (and sometimes a little spitup).  He hasn't rolled over on his own yet, but we're working on tucking that arm. He likes to lay on the floor so he can kick his feet and put them way up in the air. He also likes it when you tickle him under his arms or blow raspberries.

He'll have his 4 month checkup next week so we can find out his height and weight, but he sure fills up more of his carseat than he used to. He continues to be a great traveler and doesn't even mind the snowsuit so much. He has also been a good sleeper--many times sleeping through from 9pm to 6:30am and this past Saturday he must have gotten the memo about us sleeping late on weekends because he didn't wake up until 8:00!  Bath time continues to be his favorite time and he is working on holding the rubber ducky. He can grab the toys on his exersaucer, hold and shake a rattle, and grabs onto his crinkly book or Taggie blanket. This morning he even put his little dog blanket up to his cheek and fell asleep in his bouncy while I was getting ready for church.  Ryan had his first little cold this month, but it was nothing serious and he was still pretty good natured. We are truly blessed with a happy, healthy little dude and we are so thankful for the joy he brings to our lives!

Look at me grow!

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