Thursday, January 14, 2010

Highs and Lows (Warning TMI ahead)

High of the Day: Eating broccoli cheese soup at Panera Bread.

Low of the Day: Experiencing broccoli cheese soup in reverse.

Walmart sickness mixed with too much driving through slushy streets plus the sights and smells of Sioux City's finest dollar stores was too much for my soup and cinnamon crunch bagel-filled stomach to handle. Thanks for being there, Hardees (and Walgreens) restroom. If I wasn't going to puke before I came in, you helped seal the deal.  Here's to hoping that's the last time I see a perfectly julienned carrot come out my nose.

TMI? were warned.

1 comment:

  1. LMAO! Poor CoBo. :) I had a bad experience with my Panera food last week...had a severe allergic reaction. I was stupid and didn't realize Gorgonzola is bleu cheese. Whoops! It was only a minor anaphylactic throat swelled for only 3 hours. lol
