Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Swap Shop, You're on the Air

This morning I experienced an entirely different hour of local radio than usual. The reason I had this joy of listening is because first, I left for work an hour late due to the ice raining down on the tri-state area. I wanted to give the road crews some time to salt/gravel the highways (which they did, thankfully) and also waited for Adam's school to get called off so I could leave Ryan home with him instead of bringing him to my mom's over icy roads and with the threat of getting stuck overnight again. Second, since I was white-knuckling it going about 40 mph in an ice storm all the way to work, I didn't think it would be the best idea to switch out my audio book CDs.

Although the hour delay of my commute caused me to miss the daily funeral announcements, hog slaughter numbers, and the Two Cents from the lady on the Brownfield Radio Network, I did get to hear all the school closings (just say ALL SCHOOLS CLOSED), local commercials for heating and plumbing services read in monotone by the plumbers themselves, and the best part of all...SWAP SHOP!

I have a somewhat colorful past with Swap Shop. For those of you out-of-area, this is a free public service of the radio station where you can call in and tell them what you have for sale, to give away, or what you are looking for. You leave your number and interested parties get in touch with you, or nosy octogenarians scan the entire phone book for your phone number to see who could possibly be getting rid of a "peach pink prom dress, size 10." A lot of used furniture changes hands this way. In fact, Adam and I bought our kitchen table and chairs from an ad on Swap Shop. Our tip: if you want a decent table and chairs, don't drive all the way from OC to RV if they are only asking $50. It's worth half that.

Another fun story...once when we were quite little, my sisters and I heard an ad on Swap Shop for someone selling a tandem bicycle (you know, a bicycle built for 2). We decided this would be a PEFECT present for my mom's birthday, so we called the people, found out the price and the address, and then convinced my dad to go buy it. He did! We had a lot of fun on that bike but I think my mom was on to us getting her a birthday present that we could use!

Fast forward to today's edition. There were all the usual calls...washers, dryers, skidloaders, hay bales, extra large green peppers. Yes, I said EXTRA large green peppers...bring your own container. Then my favorite call of the day came. A lady called and said she had five empty round oatmeal containers to give away. The announcer asked her if they didn't still make round oatmeal containers and she said, "Well, they sure do, I just hate to throw them out! I think someone might like to use them for a craft, they are such nice containers!" He politely agreed and she gave her phone number. So, if you are in desperate need for empty oatmeal containers...this lady can save the day! The best thing is...they're free!

This can't-miss item made me wonder what other wonderful deals are being offered and here are a few of my favorites from this week:

  • For Sale: Main Street Building in Boyden (Can you imagine that phone call, "Yea, sure, ah, how much you want for dat dare building?... Oh, well, I think that sounds fair. I think I'll take 'er."
  • For Sale: Multi-Poo puppy. (Because one poo is never enough)
  • Wanted (Monday AND Tuesday): Cake pan in the shape of a graduation hat (She really wants that pan, people. Help a stressed-out planning-graduation-four-months-in-advance mom out.)
  • Wanted: Ride to Omaha or Pella. (Apparently this person just has cabin fever or can't decide which kid to visit and is letting a random stranger decide.)
  • For Sale: 42" shower door (Someone' bath mats are getting wet. Actually...I'm surprised my dad didn't call this person...he would totally buy something like this, and actually needs one, except his buddies at coffee thinks he should just hang a curtain instead of replacing the door, but that is a whole different discussion.)
  • For Sale: Hot Pink ipod nano (Bobby really appreciates you trying to be cool, grandma, but maybe pink ain't his thang. Or Suzy could really use some more liquid assets, like cash.)
  • For Sale: Teal leather couch w/hide-a-bed (Let me break it down for you: surely, you are going to have to PAY someone to take that monstrosity out of the basement. And don't call me Shirley.)
Also, do not tell my husband there were several labs being given away (and one lost who has a missing toe on her back foot, so if you see a 4-toed, or is it 3-toed? dog running around, you know who to call.)  I am NOT going to get a dog on Swap Shop.

But I might get me some empty oatmeal containers.


  1. Your post certainly brightened my morning. How funny! I do remember the blue tandem bike well. I hope your return to work is going well (despite the rough road conditions you've had to deal with!).

  2. That tandem bike was the best. Except for the time we crashed it into Grandma Boote's front steps. ;o)
