Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Wind and Ice and Everything Not Nice

First of all, me and Dave Winslow's forecast are THROUGH! *mocking voice* "It's not going to be a blizzard-just a little snow with some strong winds, but not that bad."

THROUGH, I tell you.

Monday morning I took off with Ryan in the truck thinking that I should allow a few extra minutes to get to work since it was supposed to be windy and school was 2 hours late. An hour of white-knuckle-neck- straining-to-see-the-road-in-white-out-conditions later, I arrived at my mom's, knowing that I never should have come. By the time I got to work, school had been canceled and people were talking about how terrible their drive in had been.  But noon, the scuttle was increased to a dull roar, and by 2:00, people started taking off into the now full-blown blizzard. We received various road reports and none of it sounded good. Quite a few people in my department stuck around, hoping it would get better since we kept hearing the wind was going to die down. One of my co-workers was planning to go to her parents in Sheldon that night, but her dad took off from Sheldon, turned around and told her he couldn't make it going 10mph with four-wheel drive. So, at 5:00 she headed home with me to my parents. We were hoping it would be better out by 9:00pm so I could take Ryan home and drop her off on the way. It never got any better, so we all ended up staying the night with my parents. Of course I didn't have a thing packed, but we made do with my mom's clothes, washed everything up and wore the same thing to work today. We were very thankful for warm beds, good food, and extras like contact solution and toothbrushes after hearing about many people across the state who were stranded in convenience stores or even their cars throughout the night.  School was just late today and Ryan was supposed to be at daycare, so I ended up meeting Adam in Sheldon at 8:30 so he could bring him back to daycare before going to work.

It was nice to finally get home tonight and I decided to skip the basketball game (where Adam is announcing) to stay home, watch American Idol/Biggest Loser, give Ryan a bath and get him to bed on time. The computer has sucked me in as I try unsuccessfully to edit a video in iMovie. So, if I get it figured out, I'll post it for you but probably without the titles/text I was planning to add. Frankly I'm too tired to fix it and should really get some sleep.

I need to be up at 5:30am to hear Dave's first forecast of the day tomorrow...I hear there might be snow.

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