Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Maybe this is why my shoulders are sore

I finally had enough of looking like I've been living in my car like a homeless person and emptied out all the bags of stuff that I've been accumulating and hauling around. After three trips to the garage, here is most of it:

 From left to right, here are the bags and contents:
  • Brown and green tote bag (free from hospital birthing class)
    • Show choir music, notebook, clothes, and shoes for teaching choreography tonight
  • Brown and red diaper bag
    • Holds Ryan's daily "day care" stuff
  • Blue, red and white Tommy Hilfiger bag
    • Contains spare work clothes I keep with me in case I get stranded in Hometown or anywhere in between because of weather
  • Black tote bag with my name monogrammed on it in pink from BIL's wedding
    • Items to transfer in between car and pickup in case I have to take a 4x4 vehicle to work. Contains audio CDs, sunglasses, and a bag of Giant Bumpy Chewy Nerds.
  • Orange bag free from hair salon
    • Completely empty but has been in my back seat for the better part of 2 months. I use it to carry books/CDs/DVD from the library but have managed to carry my 2 CDs without use of a bag lately. 
  • Navy "carry-on" cosmetic case
    • Makeup, hair products, and contacts/glasses for staying overnight last night
  • Purple Purse from Purse-N-ality party (which I have had at least 7 strangers comment that they like)
    • Holds the customary wallet, checkbook, pens, lipstick, and a stocking hat that I have yet to wear this season but I forget is in there (that's how big the purse is)
  • Black Nike duffel bag with Ryan's name monogrammed on it in orange (baby gift)
    • Held all of Ryan and my overnight clothes from staying in Hometown last night after the bball game (I was supposed to have a late night meeting but it was cancelled due to roads.)
  • Baby carrier
    • Ironically, contains baby.
  • Not shown (oh, there's more)
    • Two grocery bags containing leftover lunch containers and one very black banana
    • Black mini cooler for carrying Ryan's milk
    • Black snow boots and windshield scraper
    • Extra blanket for Ryan in case we get stranded
I drive a Malibu and sometimes I think I can't ever get a minivan for fear that I will start building shelves in it or buying "larger than airlines accept" luggage to carry all my junk around.  

My simple goal for tonight after getting Ryan to bed was to just unpack all of my bags. Sadly, there are still 3 full ones because I again spent my night fighting and fuming with Bank of America and the criminals at Fannie Mae and have worked myself into such a fury that I can't even eat my customary brownies and ice cream or collapse into bed. I think I will go vicariously work out by watching my 3.5 year old niece's imitation of a Jillian Michaels DVD (watch minutes 2-3 for the best squats and "cwrunches" I've seen).  I'm going to need strong biceps to carry all those bags.


  1. Wow. Sometimes I think I'm bad. I took 4 large (ironically all black) bags of stuff with me on Tuesday for playgroup/hospital/W'loo errands.

    What are you fighting with BA about? Same thing as Countrywide?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. That is unbelievable! I suppose if you're desperate enough you could contact someone like Rep. Steve King's office and see what they could do.

  4. Suitcase with the rollers....that's what you need. Or if you're thinking more frugally, just a red wagon. The Mali will never survive two the minivan. Do it. Do it now.
