Saturday, February 13, 2010


I'm not sure what to write about here that isn't boring/bragging or a combo of the two, but since I use this blog as an update/timeline of our family's life, here're a few recent events. And yes, I did just make up a new contraction.

I don't talk about the specifics of my career life much on this sight, but since family and friends read this to stay updated on my life (or maybe just look for pictures of Ryan and see what new words I've made up lately), I do have an update to share.  On Friday, I accepted a new position at my company and will now be the Director of Marketing. I hope the new challenges and opportunities this brings will be a good fit for both me and my company. I plan to hire a new Brand Manager to replace myself at my old position, so if you know anyone looking for a Marketing job, keep your eyes open for an upcoming ad in local papers and on our company website.

On Friday night, we enjoyed supper with Grandpa and Grandma Boone and watched the BH vs. SO basketball game. It was fun to introduce Ryan to some of our Hometown friends. We made it home in time to see the end of the Vancouver Olympic opening ceremony but unfortunately only caught the opera version of the Olympic hymn, the oaths, and the malfunctioning of the Olympic torch lighting. My favorite part was watching the people run along side Wayne Gretzky who was riding in the back of a pickup on his way to the outdoor torch, because apparently that's how they roll in our neighbors to the North. I'm sure the rest of the ceremony was much more glamourous than the part we saw, so I may have to watch highlights online. 

Adam spent a good part of the day today helping about 25 grade school kids go ice fishing as part of the "Fish Iowa" program. They had a good time even though the fishing was slow and the snow started rolling in. It's supposed to snow the rest of tonight with the wind picking up tomorrow. I'm glad we have no plans to leave town for the next two days!

Because of the weather, and my 2010 commitment to try to use up some of my pantry/freezer stores and not waste food, I made a pan of homemade caramel rolls (using the last of my free Well's Blue Bunny cinnamon ice cream to make the caramel topping) and have a three-bean chili in the crockpot for supper (using the leftover half-can of tomato paste from earlier in the week). Of course I may not be terribly hungry at 5:30 when the chili is ready since I just had an omelet for lunch at 3:15. That's what happens when you're home alone with a baby who can't quite decide if he wants to be asleep, eating, held, playing, or making an extremely stinky diaper so he decides to just try everything out in rapid succession, then repeat the process.

Right now the little Dude is sleeping in the big Dude's arms while the beagle sleeps on the couch next to me so I think it might be a perfect time for me to sneak in a short nap. Have a safe snowy Saturday!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on the new position. I am glad that decision is off your plate and I hope things go exceptionally well with everything!!! :)
