Monday, March 1, 2010

5 Months Old

Ryan is five months old and we are enjoying him more than ever! He is a good-natured boy and those cheeks are hard to resist.  He hasn't rolled over yet, but he's getting better at holding up his head and chest. We've really noticed how he can reach and grab things like toys, his pacifier, my hair, or your mouth. He likes to explore different textures like satin, fleece, denim, and Dad's whiskers!

Ryan's sleeping habits have been fairly consistent as he usually goes down at night without a fight, but wakes up around 4:30 and lets us know he would like his pacifier now, please! We can always tell if he will go back to sleep because he covers his eyes with his hands if he is still tired.  He usually gets up around 5:45, but sometimes has to be woken up at 6:30 to eat before I go to work. He tends to take long naps at daycare, but not at grandma's. At grandma's, he prefers to be held, or to be walked around the house in the stroller. I think we'll all be happy when this snow melts and we can go for real stroller rides!

He is getting better at sitting to read books and especially loves "That's Not My Puppy" where he can feel all the different textures. We are going to try some rice cereal this month and see how eating off a spoon goes. Why do I have a feeling he'll be a messy, messy eater? Oh well, we are just thankful he is happy and healthy, and growing like a weed!

*For those of you sharing Winkflash folders, his February folder should be updated.

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