Friday, March 5, 2010

Bad Dog

Adam had an exciting social engagement tonight (chaperoning Jr. High dances are the peak of our social calendar lately) so I got to spend some quality time with Ryan tonight. I was NOT planning on spending quality time cleaning up after our dog who gives Marley a run for her money for the "Worst Dog in the World" title. Within 3 hours she had snatched a dirty diaper from the step-can garbage and destroyed it all over Ryan's room, making the whole house smell like manure, peed on carpet that was just cleaned 2 days ago, peed again in the basement right in front of me (she is a fully house trained 4.5 year old dog who had been let out multiple times--she either has a bladder problem or a jealousy problem, we're not sure which), and then when I left her outside for a while (to think about what a bad dog she was) she started barking her head off because she went ice climbing and her leash got stuck.

It is no coincidence that she looks possessed:

After a week like I've had at work and a dog like this, it's no wonder that when Adam got home, he caught me self medicating:

Yes, that is chocolate ice cream with cinnamon Life cereal and chocolate syrup.

Don't Judge.

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