Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Clothes Swap

With how fast babies grow, it seems like I'm constantly sorting clothes and picking through what he's outgrown. I've been fortunate in being able to borrow quite a few clothes from my nephew, Lincoln, and finally have his tub of 0-3 month clothes ready to send back. In a sad attempt to out-organize my sister (or save her from feeling like she needs to spend time re-sorting), I refolded everything into piles--newborn pants, then onesies in the box; 0-3 and 3-6 month sleepers, overalls, 2-pc outfits, 1-pc outfits, pants, and onesies in the tub. That's a lot of clothes for a kid to wear in his first 3 months! Ryan didn't end up wearing all of it since the seasons were off but I am so grateful for the many pants, shirts, and sleepers that we have been able to share! I'm also sending on some of the 12 month clothes I have so Lincoln can wear them first. Ryan is quickly catching up to Lincoln, so we won't be able to swap much longer, but it's fun while it lasts!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad we've been able to share, too! I have a whole tub ready for you. I can't wait to sort through your box of stuff! :o)
