Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Dentist, Daycare, Defense and a Day Off

Dentist: Yesterday's dentist appointment yielded one cavity (beneath an old filling, a reoccurring theme) but I was actually happy with this since I hadn't had x-rays in 2 years and traditionally pregnancy makes my family's teeth go to rot. Basically, it could have been a lot worse and I'm pretty psyched about my new orange toothbrush. I even think the hygienist picked it just because she knows the school colors of where Adam works. She's totally like that. I always marvel at how she remembers my whole family and where everyone works and lives, even though she only sees me twice a year and I don't exactly do a lot of talking while she's cleaning my teeth!

Daycare: Since Adam had PT conferences last night, Ryan had to stay at daycare extra late until I could get back to town to pick him up. He was the only kid left in the building at 5:45, poor guy, but of course that meant he was getting plenty of attention! It was nice to revisit the daycare since I hadn't been there since I signed up during maternity leave. Of course I set the alarm off when leaving since there was no one there to remind me about hitting the button before opening the door...oh well, at least they knew no kids were trying to escape because there weren't any left!

D-E-F-E-N-S-E: Defense, Comets, Go Big D! Today I left work a little early to help out with my alma mater's cheerleading tryouts since they had some last minute cancellations by judges. It brought back some old memories of smiling so much my cheeks hurt and wondering if my jumps were high enough, toes were pointed enough, and moves were sharp enough to get me on the squad! I had a lot of fun cheering for basketball during Jr. High and all 4 years of High School and still feel like I could pull off a toe touch if I tried. But I don't try because I am an old dried-up has-been mama who is probably delusional thinking I could get off the ground (and land on my 2 feet again).

Day Off: Tomorrow I am taking my first day off of work for the year with plans to hit the RV consignment stores in the morning and then head to USD for the Show Choir festival. I had to do some creative mapquesting after being tipped off that the Hawarden and Akron bridges are closed due to flooding. I think I found some alternate routes. Now if only the Emmetsburg bus would get lost on the way to Vermillion.... :)

1 comment:

  1. Nice work on the one cavity... are you saying if you have 10 cavities in one visit before you get married... you can have MORE after you have a kid?!!!!!
