Friday, March 12, 2010


On Friday night, Adam and a bunch of guys played in a dodgeball tournament at the Legion. The gym makes Hickory High from Hoosiers look like the Target Center, but it is perfect for men hurling rubber balls at each other at high speeds. The mats make a very pleasant smacking sound (if they jump out the way).  They played 6 "warmup games" and then entered a single elimination tournament. There were 7 teams--five teams of high school guys, one of area preachers, and one called "Old Farts". Guess which one Adam was on? Three of them are teachers, so the guys had fun trying to nail them, but the Old Farts proved you don't have to be in great shape to beat up on high school kids (but I'm thinking they are all quite sore this morning). They won the tournament (and a box of York Peppermint Patties). Sweet!  Pictures are below and a few short videos are loaded into the video player at the bottom of the page (click the right arrow in the very bottom right corner of the player to get to the dodgeball videos.

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