Wednesday, March 24, 2010

New Things

We've been pretty busy this week, so I haven't had time to post, but as a record-keeping thing more than anything that interesting, here's a few new things we've experienced this week.
  • We grilled for the first time this Spring! Burgers, Steaks, and BBQ Chicken in 4 days...I almost feel like I'm tricking Adam into making supper, but it is also delicious!
  • Ryan got to take his first stroller rides outside this Spring! Adam has taken Ryan (and Nika) out several times and I even got a chance to go for a while on Sunday. How nice it is to see some sunshine. 
  • On Monday, Grandma took Ryan outside for his first tour of the farm. What fun he will have exploring the garden, apple trees, big backyard, and watching the cows this Spring! He also got to go for a long walk with Grandma in her stroller.
  • On Wednesday, Ryan attended his first funeral :(. My Great Uncle Tom passed away and my mom brought Ryan with her to the prayer service and funeral. Besides him being in his 3rd outfit of the day by 10am and a big spit-up during the funeral, he did pretty well at church and liked to watch the ceiling fans, as usual.
  • Ryan also attended his first FFA Soup Supper on Tuesday with Adam while I was at an Inspiration Hills board meeting. It makes me sad when Ryan is in bed when I get home and I haven't seen him since morning, so when he woke up at 5:30 the next morning, I jumped up to get him since I missed him a bunch!
  • Ryan is also eating rice cereal 2x a day now, so now Grandma and daycare get to listen to his grunting and groaning as he anticipates each bite. He's eating a full 2 Tbsp. now and usually reaching for more at each meal! It's pretty apparent we have a good eater on our hands.

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