Saturday, March 6, 2010

Pass it On

No, this post is not about the hymn that many of you grew up singing, it's the name of the consignment store I stopped at in Hartley on my way to Emmetsburg today. I was heading to the show choir competition and wanted to hit a few consignment stores first since Ryan is rotating through about 4 outfits that fit him, are seasonally appropriate, and do not have annoying tendencies to constant ride up his legs or choke him.  There were a few things at the store in Hartley but most of what I got was actually 12 month sizes so it didn't solve any of our short term problems.  However, no matter how desperate I am, and how cheap it was, and how much the sentiment is true, I could not, would not, bring myself to resort to this:
I was disappointed to arrive in Emmetsburg at 2:03 and find out that their consignment store closes at 2:00 on Saturday. Grrrrr. But it's probably for the best since I wanted to be at the High School by 2:25 and it took me about 10 minutes to walk through the rain from where I had to park!

I won't comment much about how show choir went today...all I'll say is I'm sure the kids and parents are disappointed and will want to work hard to get ready for the next competition.  One thing I do have to say is that I really enjoyed the performance by Sumner-Fredericksburg, whom I had never seen in competition before. They totally deserved the 2A championship and looked like they really enjoyed themselves!

I rushed home after the awards to spend a little time with my boys before bedtime. Ryan liked all of his new clothes and is ready to wear his new hat if we can ever go for a stroller ride!


  1. Oh, man. I've been sorting through Lincoln's clothes and pulling out all the 9 month stuff (almost all winter) that is too small for him. I have a tub that I was planning to send back with Mom & Dad next weekend. Hopefully there are a few more items in there to tide you over until spring/summer. Then I think Ryan will have caught up with Lincoln and we won't be able to share anymore. :o(

  2. I want to send Lincoln 0-3 tub back with mom and dad too. I might have a few bigger things that Lincoln can wear this Spring/Summer before Ryan gets big enough, so I'll try to put that together too. I just need garage sales to start so I can get stuff for a decent price--the second hand stores are a little picked over for 6 month stuff.
