Monday, March 29, 2010

Rollover Rescue

Tonight after supper we worked hard on giggling and rolling over. The giggling training consists of a lot of mom & dad doing silly things and giggling in all kinds of voices ourselves in an attempt to garner some smiles and chuckles from Ryan. While Adam took Nika for a walk, I tried some rollover training, starting Buddy Boy on his back and then tempting him with his toys to his left and slightly above his head. For some reason, it seems I subconciously believe it helps to encourage him in a non-stop stream of high-pitched banter, as if I were the Western softball team. I need to knock that off.

 I got him to figure out his arm placement to get from his side to his stomach a few times but finally gave up on waitng for him to go from back to front all on his own. We proceeded through bathtime and the rest of our bedtime routine, including the nightly reading of Trout, Trout, Trout.  After putting Mr. Feet-Slammer down in his crib, I did some work on the computer (budgeting) while Adam spent time in the garage arranging his fishing gear (dreaming of ways to spend said budget). Good thing Dave Ramsey and I have that checkbook squeezed tighter than a Dutchmen with his pennies. Wait...I AM the Dutchmen and if my penniers were any thinner they'd be liquid copper. Actually 2.5% liquid copper and 97.5% liquid zinc. Don't say you never learned anything on this blog.

After about 20 minutes of work, Ryan started squawking which is a little unusual, not only because he is not a myna bird, but also because we usually do not hear from him after bedtime prayers until roughly 4am when he usually decides he wants his pipe afterall and his frantic snow-angel-ing hasn't been able to locate it on his own because he projectile-spits it about 2 feet 3 seconds after we put him down. After he carried on for a little bit, I went it to check on him to see if he had his foot caught in the rungs or if tiny elves were drilling holes in his gums making room for his Easter bunny teeth (next on the schedule).

Low and behold, he was on his tummy! The little stinker finally figured out how to roll over all on his own! It makes me wonder if he really just needed to calm down, meditate on the lessons of the evening and visualize himself doing it, then gained the inner strength and courage to accomplish the goal. That, or he was like, "Shiny blue light from the CD player to my left-What dat?" I didn't get a picture because I really just wanted him to go back to sleep and the flash would probably not have been the positive reinforcement he was looking for as a reward for his big accomplishment. Now we'll have to work on rolling from front to back without simply giving up and face-planting so I don't have to rescue him all the time!


  1. P.S. I don't know if Lincoln projectile-spits or just plain throws his pacifier, but I have found it in the middle of his bedroom floor several times. Can't feel too sorry for him then!
