Sunday, March 21, 2010

Ryan Has Something to Show You!

Look close...


Two sharp bottom teeth made their debut on Saturday! He was a little fussy during the day and I finally checked his gums and saw the two little guys fighting their way through his gums! They seem to bother him a little bit during the day, but at least he is still sleeping well at night. Two down...some more to go. I was going to look up how many teeth you get, but then I'd have to do research and take into account whether I would count his 9 year molars or 12 year molars or whether evolution will have kicked in enough in this generation to prevent his wisdom teeth from ever coming in and frankly, I'm just not up to it. So, some more to go!


  1. Babies get 20 teeth. That's not counting the 6-year and 12-year molars or wisdom teeth. 18 to go. :o)

  2. I'd say that if he has his mother's teeth, I wouldn't be in too much of a hurry for them to get here ;)
