Sunday, March 21, 2010

Sitting Up!

Ryan is getting better at sitting up by himself. He still has his tippy moments (don't we all) but sitting up opens a whole new world for him, like playing with the toys on his play mat from the side instead of from the bottom. I'm sure the lion feels a little less violated now that Ryan can look him in the eye instead of reaching for his "ahem" underside all these months.

 If I'm not right by him (or am taking his picture), I prop him up with the Boppy so if he tips over it isn't far to fall and is a soft landing. I learned this one the hard way...hard for him when he fell back and smacked his head on the ground the other day, but probably harder for Mommy since the guilt poured on immediately.  If I'm within arm's reach, I let him sit up by himself and he does well playing with things in front of him. It probably helps that he has ample surface area to rest on (again, don't we all).

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