Saturday, March 27, 2010

Stroller Rides & Stallions or Morning Walks & Mares...I didn't look that close.

With the nice weather lately, we've been enjoying more and more walks outside. Both Nika and Ryan love being out and it's nice to get some fresh air.  Ryan spends most of his time snoozing in the stroller, but once he can ride facing forward instead of in the carseat, I think he'll love observing all there is to see around town. One fun discovery I made is that about 2 blocks from our house, if I wheel him into the CR church parking lot, there is a small pasture with some horses in it! (Only in small town Iowa can you have this sort of thing-a tiny barn and horse pasture surrounded by residential districts on 3 sides and a church on the 4th.) The horses didn't really like Nika around, but I'm sure in a few years Ryan will be begging to go see the horsies!

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