Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Rice Cereal Video

Last night we tried rice cereal with Ryan for the first time. He made a funny face at first and didn't really understand the swallowing thing, but soon he was grabbing for the spoon wanting to feed himself! I finally got some videos uploaded, but I put the player at the very bottom of the blog so it can be wide enough to actually view, so scroll to the bottom and double click on the video screen to start the first video. You can select other videos by clicking on their thumbnail.


  1. 1. I knew the Snuggie was not an original idea.

    2. The wake-up video reminds me of the Blair Witch project, until Ryan flashes that huge grin.

    3. It would be interesting to have side-by-side footage of Ryan eating rice cereal to someone eating oatmeal in the nursing home...the parallels would be striking

  2. 1. You'd think it would have occurred to the couch dress knitters that if you require 72 square feet of blanket, it might be chilly enough to warrant sleeves.

    2. If the roles were reversed and he was doing a wake-up video of me, it would have been more like the movie.

    3. Yep, his diet in the next few months will probably be pretty similar to a nursing home, except Ryan will probably not be offered 4 oz. of Orange Drink with the choice of an Oreo, a Ritz cracker, or Lorna Dunes at snack time.

  3. Videos are adorable. He has so much more personality than even at Christmas. I miss seeing him! I can't fathom how hard it must be to leave him during the day.

    P.S. Love the Good/Bad/Ugly post!
