Thursday, April 8, 2010

6 Month Checkup

Guess who got a sticker?

Buddy Boy had his 6 month checkup today and did great through the exam, even smiling and giggling instead of crying. He destroyed the paper liner on the table by moving his feet, grabbing it with his hands and trying to eat it, but was otherwise a great patient! Then we headed over for 1 oral vaccine and 3 shots at Community Health. The nurse commented on what an ample target his thighs made, haha. He cried a little of course but calmed down quickly and got a shiny sticker!

6 month stats: 19 lbs. (75th percentile); 26.5" (just under 50th percentile); 2 teeth (bottom)

Here's proof:
(Double click to see a larger version of the picture, and his teeth.)


  1. Ryan has officially passed Lincoln up in the weight category. I set Lincoln on our bathroom scale a week ago and he was still 18.8#.

    P.S. Love the new blog background and header! Someday maybe I'll have something cool like that. ;o)
