Thursday, April 1, 2010

6 Months Old

Guess who is half a year old today? It's no foolin', Ryan is 6 months old!

Ryan continues to be a happy, healthy little guy. He's grown up a lot this month and is now able to sit up fairly steadily and can roll from back to front. He is also much better atreaching for and picking up toys, including putting his own pacifier in his mouth and fishing his rubber ducky out of the water. He has 2 bottom teeth and seems to be working on some more by the amount of drool he's producing and fingers he's chewing.  He loves his rice cereal and gets antsy (and vocal) when he sits in his bumbo and sees us go to the cupboard for the box. He eats up every bite and protests loudly when it's gone! We'll start on some veges and fruit next month! He is a good sleeper and goes down well-except if he rolls onto his stomach, then he needs rescuing. He usually sleeps until 5:30 or 6 which is when he has to get up anyway so he can eat before I leave for work.  

Now that Spring has sprung, he has enjoyed many stroller rides outside and we anticipate many more outdoor activities. Ryan "talks" when he is excited, happy, cranky, or tired, but it is usually just vowel sounds--we haven't heard any babble using consonants yet. He does purse his lips, blow bubbles/raspberries, and smack his lips. Another thing we appreciate Ryan is that he does quite well in church, FPU and other "quiet" situations. He can play quietly, turn board book pages, or just interact with whoever's holding him without causing a ruckus. I'm sure this will change, but for now we enjoy being able to bring him places with us even if they aren't necessarily "baby-friendly".  Ryan usually has a charming smile for anyone he comes in contact with and we just can't help smiling back at our little Buddy Boy!

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