Sunday, April 18, 2010

Baking Spree

I enjoy baking desserts and all, but this weekend I feel like I could float away from the sugar rush and my massive amount of baking supplies have dwindled down to a point where I have exactly zero bags of powdered sugar and only a half a bag of chocolate chips. This has not happened since... ever.

Last Wednesday I baked the Ever-So-Moist Chocolate Cake from Chocolate from the Cake Mix Doctor, then frosted it on Thursday with the Sour Cream Chocolate Frosting and decorated it for work.  The owner of the company I work for shares a birthday with me (or I share it with him, to be more accurate) and I couldn't help but give him a little ribbing for his big birthday milestone. It perpetuated a few emails about the "younger generation don't give no respect" but he took it quite well and my co-workers enjoyed the cake (during an 8:30am brainstorming meeting).

We celebrated my birthday at my parents on Friday and my mom had made a Pistachio Pudding Cake for me. It was delicious and is one of my favorite recipes of my grandma's, but I was pretty caked out by that time.
On Saturday, I baked another cake from Chocolate from the Cake Mix Doctor, this time the Peanut Butter Cake and frosted it with the Fluffy Chocolate Frosting. I used the leftover pink and green buttercream frosting to decorate the top for our grill-out that evening. Adam's "fitness" team (Team Awesome)from school won a $15 gift certificate from the grocery store for their workout minutes and so we all got together to grill. This is a pretty fun group to hang out with, usually spending much of our time quoting "the Office" and making fun of each other, so I seized the opportunity to make fun of one of the member's contributions to the team.

I also make peanut butter chocolate chip bars to bribe the High School Sunday School class that I taught this morning. I made them put their cell phone in the middle of the table before they could have a bar. Who they absolutely have to text at 10:00am on Sunday morning is beyond me. (Now I'm sounding like a 60-yr old instead of the cocky 28-yr old...yikes).

Sunday morning I made some cinnamon muffins for breakfast and then some scotcheroo bars to bring to FPU. So, right now on my counter I have leftovers of 3 kinds of cake along with 2 kinds of bars and it would be okay with me if I laid off the frosting for a while (those beaters don't lick themselves, you know).  

Notice the extreme lack of "real food" in this list. Since Thursday I think I have made a total of 1 real meal and all I really did was throw some waffle fries in the oven while Adam grilled brats for lunch today. Otherwise, I ate at my parents on Friday, a pancake/sausage feed to raise money for a recreation trail for Saturday brunch, grillout Saturday night, and Adam ate at small group tonight.

I had a grilled cheese sandwich for supper. And a piece of cake.


  1. uhh...yeah. He broke into a Rodney Dangerfield accent and everything. Remind me to tell you about Waldo's response to the emails.

  2. Love the "Team Awesome" cake! It's hilarious even though I don't even know the other guys.
