Thursday, April 22, 2010

Big Thighs = Bigger Chair

Ryan has outgrown his Bumbo. More specifically, the circumference of his thighs have outgrown the leg hole openings of his Bumbo so that to place him in it, we have to "pop" them through from the top and I fear they are squeezing him the whole time he is sitting in it. Also, when we try to lift him out, it take two people. Kind of like trying to get two nested 5-gallon buckets apart. One pulling from the top, one from the bottom. Since it is handier to need less than 2 people to take him out of his seat, we transitioned to a new Fisher Price Deluxe Booster Seat. He got this seat from Grandma on the high recommendation from my sister and I really love it! It straps securely to my kitchen chair and I can manipulate the dishwasher-safe tray/cover with one hand. I can still push the chair under the table and it is so much handier than having a big highchair taking up space in the kitchen. I now have a big highchair taking up space in the basement. The back also comes off for when he is eventually ready for only a booster seat.

I don't know if it's the new chair with roomier leg room or if taking a two week break from veges as recommended by our doctor has done the trick, but Ryan has ended his strike against the green (and orange) stuff. He has eaten peas and squash for the past week and I have several more foods for him to try. We'll probably wait a little bit to reintroduce "gagging" green beans, though. It's like once you get sick off a certain food, you can't stand to eat it again for a while. Which is why I avoided gas station french vanilla cappuccino and Burger King mozzarella sticks for quite some time. But that's neither here nor there, nor on the floormats of my friend Aftin's car...anymore.

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