Friday, April 23, 2010

Birthiversary Party II

Friday night Adam's parents, brother, and sister-in-law came over for supper to celebrate my birthday and our anniversary. It was unfortunate that Ryan was not in a great mood and it erupted into tears after he took a face-plant into a toy (and a sad, guilty mommy shed a few tears too). He seemed to be fine after a little bit and ate supper with the rest of us. He really missed out on the delicious steak and potatoes/carrots/onions from the grill, but he seemed to love his sweet potatoes. 
He did perk up after his bath to play with Aunt Kim for a little bit before bed. She seems to always be able to get him to smile. We used some of our anniversary and birthday money the next day to get flowers for our pots and barrels. It is a little early for planting, but with every Saturday tied up until June, it was kind of now or never.  I'll post pictures of the flowers as soon as more are blooming. Thanks for the fun night, family!

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