Sunday, April 25, 2010

Lion Encounter

I scored a sweet lion "ride & cruise" toy last week on a rummage sale and even though Ryan isn't quite big enough to push it himself, I thought introductions were in order.

At first he wasn't sure what to think.

But soon, Ryan and Lion were laughing it up like old chums.

He soon got cocky and started waving to his peeps, giving them the "guns" wave.

Ryan had to take a little break to attend church, but then we were back at it.

 "So, we meet again."
Meet my other four-legged (wheeled) friend, Nika.

Ryan likes the bees on the lion's mane.
Not sure what bees have in common with lions except I wouldn't want to be locked in an enclosed space with either. 

Ryan must have been paying attention to the "Prayers for Crops and Industry" portion of the service this morning as the lion seems to be a recipient of "laying on of hands."

 I was glad to see that Ryan and Lion are going to make great friends.

Or, more than friends.

But, like many new relationships, things weren't all puppies and rainbows and a relationship that started out beautifully, quickly...



  1. Ryan to Lion: "Not only do our names rhyme, but your breath does not smell like dog food. I like you and your symbiotic bee friends."

  2. Too funny! Especially the last series of pictures. You definitely got a great deal. I saw the exact same lion toy (minus the bees) at Target today. It was on sale for $34.99!
