Saturday, April 3, 2010

Shoot 4 a Cure

The Saturday before Easter, it is tradition to attend the Brent "Joe" Marra Shoot 4 a Cure event at our alma mater.  Brent was a classmate of Adam's who passed away from leukemia during his sophomore year of college. Every year there is a supper and alumni basketball game put on by some Relay for Life teams to raise money for cancer research. Not only is it important to remember Brent and everyone who is affected by cancer, but it turns out to be a nice time meeting up with old classmates and friends.

This year, more than others, it seemed to be Baby Central at the game! Several of our classmates are starting/expanding their families and it is fun to see everyone's babies and how much they've grown in the past year. Of course I was so busy catching up with friends that I forgot to take pictures with them and got exactly zero shots of Adam playing basketball with his old classmates, but I did get shot of Ryan with Abbie and with Wade (who also played). Ryan did great sleeping in Abbie's arms and then being awake enough for my friends to play with him!

We appreciate everyone who puts on this event and enjoy getting together and remembering Brent, his love of basketball, and his courageous battle. We really are Shooting 4 a Cure for everyone affected by this horrible disease!

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