Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Afternoon Off

On Tuesday, I took an afternoon off to spend with Ryan while Adam was in Ames for a conference. It was forecasted to be a beautiful day, but by the time I picked him up, it had become overcast and windy. We did our best to have a fun afternoon anyway! We played with toys, read books, played piano, and even took a nap while Ryan slept! I couldn't remember the last time I got to take a nap in the afternoon...that didn't even happen on maternity leave!

I had so been looking forward to getting outside that I decided to brave the wind and threatening showers to get some fresh air. Once we got the stroller (with dog attached) out the garage (thank goodness for breakaway mirrors on my car), it turned out to be a fine walk. Ryan entertained me with all sorts of babble (still no consonants) and blew spit bubbles as well. Always entertaining.  The wind didn't bother him too much as his stroller has canopies that can basically enclose him and though we stayed close to home, it never actually rained.  I love all the lilac trees around town and enjoyed spending an afternoon with my buddy!

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