Friday, May 28, 2010

Big Helper

One of my projects for today was to re-sort all of Ryan's clothes and pack away the too-small and too-hot things in favor of the shorts and shirts that will accommodate the rising temperatures and expanding belly. We have been so blessed to have a family in town give us their son's clothes as he outgrows them and since he was born a year before Ryan, they are the right season. Plus they're Twins fans, so you can't beat that. Our time of sharing clothes with Lincoln has come to an end since Ryan has outgrown his cousin, but I still think we're sitting okay for a summer wardrobe, at least until we figure out what works and doesn't work on Buddy Boy's body.

Ryan was a BIG HELPER while I was sorting clothes.
He helped me take all his clothes out of the drawer!
Now I just have to teach him how to fold and he has to grow about 4 feet so he can reach the hangers.

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