Sunday, May 16, 2010

Laundry Time

I would say that Ryan enjoys "helping" fold laundry by sitting on our bed while I make piles around him, but the truth is he really has no choice in the matter. He can be quite content up on our bed whenever I'm cleaning or folding laundry in the room-he just needs a few toys or t-shirts within his reach and good "bounce" now and then. I probably shouldn't teach him to jump on the bed, but he sure likes it when we bounce him by pushing the mattress up and down right next to him. For now, it's a poor man's trampoline.

Hopefully in a few years he can actually help folding and putting away laundry, but we may need to start with towels or something easier first. His pincher reflexes have to develop a little more before he's ready for japanese t-shirt folding.

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