Sunday, June 20, 2010

Omaha-Andy & Kim

We had fun visiting Adam's brother and his wife this weekend in Omaha. Ryan traveled well, except for throwing up his entire lunch of carrots about 3 miles after we left town, but a pull-over in a hog yard and quick change of clothes later, we were on our way again. It was fun to see their new apartment and surroundings and were glad to see them again!

Friday night we all went to our friend Jeff and his wife Cara's house and it was awesome to see them again. Jeff was a dear friend of both mine and Adam's in college and stood up in our wedding and we sure don't get to see him and his wife often enough!  They all went to the opening ceremonies of the College World Series on Friday while I put Ryan to bed.

On Friday, Adam and Andy spent the day at the stadium while Kim helped me do a little shopping at Kohl's and Babies R Us. We enjoyed some Famous Dave's at night--love the fries, but definitely don't recommend the Nachos. I couldn't even find the soggy chips under the brisket and chili, let alone pick up the chips with my fingers! Nacho best dish, Dave. Stick to corn muffins. (which Adam got 3 of with his meal...future note, don't order corn muffins as one of your sides when it already comes with a corn muffin).

Adam did a stellar job packing all of our gear (those of you with small kids know how much stuff you start needing for a quick weekend high chair, pack & play, food, toys, diapers, full size stroller, etc.) I complicated things a bit by buying a new convertible car seat on Saturday that Kim and I could barely get in the back seat, but Adam showed the Malibu who was boss and we all fit in it on Sunday for the ride home.

Ryan loves his Uncle and Aunt and can't wait to see them again! Even if Aunt Kim likes to tickle him!

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