Wednesday, July 7, 2010

9 month checkup

Ryan had his 9 month checkup today. He weighed 21 lbs. 2oz which puts him between the 50th and 75th percentile (he is moving closer to the "norm" in weight). His height is recorded at 28" which is the 25th percentile, but his wiggling makes me think there's a little give or take here. He did great staying happy through his checkup which is not easy for a little boy in a room for almost an hour and a mommy who did not bring any toys! He stayed entertained by tearing the paper covering on the bed into little pieces, waving his daycare infant gram paper around, and bouncing/standing on my lap.

All in all, he's a pretty healthy baby. His ear infection is lingering a little too long so we got another prescription for antibiotics and hope another 10 days will do the trick. We discussed the fact that he does not roll but the Dr. says he's developed normally in everything else and by the time we set up a consult, he'll probably be crawling all over the place. He does push himself backwards and can get on his hands and knees and rock, so I think we'll be moving forward sometime soon!

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